- Technika Security Framework
I found this (unreleased) plugin when i was visiting GNUCITIZEN , and this firefox plugin is created by David Kierznowski , a senior Security Analyst in UK (he’s also the owner of michaeldaw.org). Some kewl features offered by this plugin are:
- tech.dspider – DOM link spider.
- tech.forms – GET/POST form parser.
- tech.mutate – By specifying a payload and regex, we can mutate our target arrays and build tests.
- tech.scan – tech.scan is our actual engine that will handle our GET and POST requests.
- tech.mNikto – Mini-Nikto . We called it mini-nikto as it currently only contains a very small database.
- tech.g – This is one of my favorite tools in the TS framework. It uses the Google AJAX API (JSON) to fetch links and perform other Google hacking queries outside of our current DOM. This is really useful even when it is not security related.
- tech.store – Utilizes the Firefox sessionStorage to allow us to persistently store arrays.
- HackBar 1.1.1
HackBar 1.1.1 is Mozilla Firefox plugin created to assist you to do penetration testings against SQL INJECTION and XSS . I’ve tried this plugin by myself , and it’s strongly recommended. Some kewl features of this plugin :
- MySql CHAR() converter
- MsSQL CHAR() converter
- md5 generator